Pasty Martin's Reputation Profile Edit Profile Review Lock Message 2 Profile Searches View People They Know with Court Records Criminal or Civil Court records found on Pasty's Family, Friends, Neighbors, or Classmates View Details Pasty Martin, 54 Atlanta, GA This is MeA piece of food made of pastry filled with meat, vegetables, or cheese"semipasty slag" 中文翻譯 : 粘稠的熔渣 "yellowish pasty stool" 中文翻譯 : 出黃如糜 "pastwa" 中文翻譯 : 帕斯特瓦 "pastviny" 中文翻譯 : 帕斯特維尼

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Pasty 意思-『欧路词典』为您提供pastie的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的pastie的中文意思,pastie的读音,pastie的同义词,pastie的反义词,pastie的例句。 Cornish pastie / Cornish pasty A type of pie, originating in Cornwall, South West England"forget the past" a earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret);

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pie,pasty和pastry区别为:词性不同、固定词组不同、用法不同。 pie的意思是;"馅饼",现代汉语中有时音译为"派"。pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮,馅是肉或果子的饼。在英式英语中, pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮者; 2、pasty:pasty mass糊状物质;pasty body粘稠的组织;Free Pasty免费馅饼。 pie的意思是;"馅饼",现代汉语中有时音译为"派"。pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮,馅是肉或果子的饼。在英式英语中, pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮者;Pasty n small meat pie or turnover (usually used in the plural) one of a pair of adhesive patches worn to cover the nipples of exotic dancers and striptease performers;
pie,pasty和pastry有什么区别?越详细越好~ —— pie的意思是;"馅饼",现代汉语中有时音译为"派"pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮,馅是肉或果子的饼在英式英语中, pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮者;名字 日版名称"うすみけさん(Usumikesan)"中:"うす(usu)"的意思是" 薄 ",指浅、淡;"みけ(mike)"则是" 三毛 ",指长着白、黑、棕三色毛或单纯指混有几种颜色的花猫。 直译即为"浅斑三花桑"。 英版名称"Pasty",意思是"(面色)苍白的"。(usually used in the plural) one of a pair of adhesive patches worn to cover the nipples of exotic dancers and striptease performers
3 IT HAS been the common wisdom for decades and the mantra of the pale and pasty who would rather not get hot and bothered stay out of the sun to avoid getting skin cancer 远离太阳照射以避免患上皮肤癌,十几年来,这已经成为了那些不愿接触到热浪和烦恼的面色苍白黯淡的人的颂歌和至理名大量翻译例句关于"pasty white" – 英中词典以及8 海百合的花极为强韧,花瓣纯净洁白 , 因此 被故 古希腊人命名为"pancratium",意思是"全能花"。 clarinsusacom clarinsusacom The two main stocks of anchoveta in the Southeast Pacific, Alaska pollock in theDanish pastry丹麦酥皮饼 pasty 意思是肉馅饼 adj苍白的 pie 作馅饼的意思时可数吗 ?>> 即可作为可数名词,也可作为不可数名词使用eg I'd like some apple pie(不可数) eat an apple pie

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Pie,pasty和pastry有什么区别?越详细越好~ : pie的意思是;"馅饼",现代汉语中有时音译为"派"pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮,馅是肉或果子的饼在英式英语中, pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮者; pasty是什么意?pasty是什么意思: pasty 英ˈpeɪsti 美ˈpeɪsti n 肉馅饼;301 Moved Permanently openrestyA food made from a mixture of flour, fat, and water, rolled flat and either wrapped around or put over or under other foods, and then baked 油酥糕點;油酥點心 shortcrust/ puff / filo /choux/ flaky pastry 鬆脆酥/(奶油鬆餅)泡芙/酥餅/雞蛋餅/千Instructions Preheat oven to 190C fanbake Heat a large frypan over medium heat, add olive oil and sauté sliced onion for 5 minutes until softened Stir in crushed garlic then add baby spinach Keep stirring until the spinach has wilted then add the chicken Turn off the heat and crumble in the feta and then crack in the eggs

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pasty是什么意?pasty是什么意思: pasty 英ˈpeɪsti 美ˈpeɪsti n 肉馅饼;Burlesque pasties may feature tassels which hang from their centers, which the performers often twirl while performing Some women wear pasties to conceal their nipples and keep them from poking out from under a shirt, instead of wearing a bra 2 (n) (sing Pasty) "Paastees" A pasty (Cornish Pasti, Hoggan, incorrectly written as pastie) is a1 Livy ate the pasties greedily and with huge enjoyment 莉薇津津有味地大口吃着点心。 来自柯林斯例句 2 Eggs were cheap, and stuffed pasties made from egg pancakes were mouth wateringly crisp and light 鸡子儿正便宜, 炸蛋角焦黄稀嫩的惹人咽着唾液

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9 packeted pastry fruit pies 包装好的 果馅 。 10 a shopping cart; pie,pasty和pastry有什么区别?越详细越好~ : pie的意思是;"馅饼",现代汉语中有时音译为"派"pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮,馅是肉或果子的饼在英式英语中, pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮者;Pasty的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: ˈpæsti KK音标发音: ˈpæsti pasty的词性: n(名词) 复数 pasties多用于英国 3 A pie or turnover, especially one filled with seasoned meat or fish 肉馅饼:馅饼或半圆形卷饼,尤指内有加了调料的肉体或鱼的 pasty的词源: 4

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1、pie,pasty和pastry有什么区别?越详细越好~ pie的意思是;"馅饼",现代汉语中有时音译为"派"pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮,馅是肉或果子的饼在英式英语中, pie通常指外面包有酥脆皮者;Plus your entire music library on all your devicesPallid "he looked pasty and redeyed" 同义词: pastelike

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A food made from a mixture of flour, fat, and water, rolled flat and either wrapped around or put over or under other foods, and then bakedPie 和pizza这两种食物的区别 Pie (中文馅饼)的陷料在饼皮内,陷料通常都是以水果为主,例如苹果派,凤梨派(菠萝派),蓝莓派等馅饼在西方文化里是一种甜点几乎每一个西方文化都有类似馅饼的甜点Pizza (中文比萨)是一种陷料在饼皮中间的食物来自意大利陷料通常都是一蔬菜和肉类为主很多Adj resembling paste in color;

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